Restaurant Solar Bragançano - Bragança

There is no Bragança without Solar Bragançano

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in one word




No matter what you are doing in Bragança, you will come across Solar Bragançano — the place to go if you had to choose one.

There is no one in town that doesn't have a story to tell about Solar Bragançano and the owners "Dona Ana" and her husband "António". They are the heart and soul of it and, without them, it would be very hard to imagine the restaurant's success. They are one of those couples worth meeting: pristine education, knowing how to welcome clients like no one else. Only delicacy and respect all around.

Entrance room of the restaurant Solar Bragancano, in Braganca

The restaurant itself is of incredible old-fashioned charm. Inside feels like home: the cracking wooden floor, the entrance room with old furniture and books, two large rooms with well-and-beautifully-prepared tables, the high windows. Outside, the most romantic garden you can have a meal in: green all around, old white-painted tables and chairs, little fountains of water and the sound of the birds as background music. A magical place. 


Make sure you book your table. And if the weather allows, ask it specifically in the garden.

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The menu offers a variety of meat and fish, but game dishes and "posta mirandesa" are the specialities. This is one of the only restaurants with the certification for the "mirandesa" meat — the region's highest quality and typical one. The couple cooks the old-fashioned way, in the pot, directly on the fire under the chimney. It's delightful. And count on eating the best "alheira" in the region. Apart from the food, the restaurant's best secret is their basement full of good Portuguese wine. Solar Bragançano has its own label, with which you should accompany your meal. In addition, they also have their own olive oil, another main treasure in the region. Apart from all this, there are deserts. "Dona Ana"'s recipes are phenomenal, so please — oh, please — make sure you still have the appetite to taste them.

And if we talk price, it's very reasonable, especially once compared with the same quality restaurants in other European cities. The most expensive dish costs €20.

Our fav:

Javali à Campesino Estufado em Pote de Ferro ao Lume

Wild boar stewed in iron pot on the fire

Naco de Vitela à Mirandesa na Brasa

Loaf of traditional veal on the grill

Abóbora Dourada

"Golden pumpkin" desert

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Solar Bragançano proofs not every restaurant with back-light-gigantic signs, located on the city's main square, aims at tourists. Despite having some — because, let's face it, this restaurant is very well known — it's the place locals go on special occasions.

Useful info:


Praça da Sé, 34, 5300-265, Bragança


(+351) 273 323 875

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