Village Ponte de Lima - North

A village or a movie-set?

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in one word




Ponte de Lima is the oldest village in Portugal, discreetly embedded into the green landscape of the Minho region.

Its imposing walls from the XIV century contrast with the cuteness of the buildings facing the roman bridge — welcoming whoever arrives from the other side of the river. It instantly feels an organised and looked-after village, with a comfortable and I-want-to-live-here sense to it.

Little and tight streets shaped by old buildings supporting each other, sweet tiny balconies with old-school railings, steep-stairs, squares, fountains, cafés and small shops. A whole environment you want to be part of like you emerged into this parallel world where happiness seems the only way possible. Even the door numbers with its old typography look perfectly-kept.

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Ponte de Lima is one of those places where you want to slow down.

Walk through Avenida dos Plátanos (the avenue of the plane trees) — 800 meters of plane trees on the riverside. The red benches freshly painted prove again the county's interest in keeping the village so well preserved. Sit reading a book while facing the river — and now and then you might see some boats or paddle-boards passing by. Alongside this avenue, you start seeing some modern buildings that, unfortunately, contrast with the beauty of everything else — but not enough to disconnect you from the whole set.

Traditional food shop in Ponte de Lima

Take in its life, its routines, its residents chatting, watch the taxi drivers, the youth running around, the students. And if you can, enjoy a beautiful sunset across the mountains, before you leave this movie-set.

Sunset main square Ponte de Lima

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Useful info:


Ponte de Lima, Viana do Castelo

Avenida dos Plátanos:

4990-150, Ponte de Lima

LAST updated:
